I have decided to write a book. I think this decision has been a long time in the coming, and it actually feels like it pulls everything together. My molecular biology, my philosophy and my History and Philosophy of Science. Two fields of study which develop my ability to rationally explore objects and communicate complicated ideas, and one area to understand the cutting edge science. So I think I am capable of doing it. The task will be to actually write something the public will want to read, because that is the real objective here: reaching the people.
Thanks to a stroke of genius by Joseph at ImmInst, I think I am going to call the book “What if we had more time?” and the current plan is to launch it alongside the flyer posting idea I wanted to run for ImmInst back in June which never happened. This time there will be a reason for it, and we will have a landing page. I have registered the WIWHMT domain and Joseph is working on flyer and graphic designs to express the sentiments of that question. The website will be a simple step by step guide into the world of the immortalist movement, also inviting them to read my book, and then to participate at ImmInst and become involved with the community.
The goal is to get the attention of the global community and get them more involved, and of course have that happen in a positive light.
I will continue to post in here occasionally, as I write things which may be interesting as stand alone essays or stories from the book as I progress.
I can’t wait man! Any book you write will be well worth the read, you always have great and interesting thoughts.
Very interesting, Shane, and very much like the life I and Paul would like to live ourselves – with some exceptions.
However, your second sentence is not correct – “This future requires no political revolution to happen, nor is any great social movement required.”
Since there is increasing government encroachment and inhibition of all scientific and social efforts promoting the expansion of life quantity and quality, those seeking such goals must work to reduce these opposing factors. Moreover, since many decades of efforts to reduce the constant erosion of individual sovereignty have proven futile, it is clear that a radical alteration to current social structures is necessary. The creators of MoreLife think that they have found a method to accomplish this and have called it the The Self-Sovereign Individual Project.
The above is item 9 at http://morelife.org/nutshell.html
**Kitty Antonik Wakfer
MoreLife for the rational – http://morelife.org
Reality based tools for more life in quantity and quality
Self-Sovereign Individual Project – http://selfsip.org
Self-sovereignty, rational pursuit of optimal lifetime happiness,
individual responsibility, social preferencing & social contracting