Google +1 Button Released

I just found out that Google have released a +1 button. I’m not exactly surprised, it has been an obvious next step for quite a while now, and something which Stumble Upon and numerous other social network style referral systems have had in effect for a while now. It is just a big deal that now there is a direct system which actually influence the Google Search results. It is quite amazing and exciting and terrifying all at once. Exactly how this is going to change the SEO scene is anyone’s guess…

Obviously, the first concern is abuse. I have no doubt that very soon you will be able to see threads over at places like Digital Point where people will be offering to +1 other peoples pages if you +1 theirs, and people will offer +1ing services and all of that sort of stuff. No doubt Google realise this and are doing everything they can to make such things pointless and a waste of time of the people trying to do it.

This does however make me wonder what the value could possibly be of the +1 if they are going to try to stop people from gaming the system. If the system is to have any impact on search results, then it is gameable. If they make it ungameable, then how could it possibly have any significant impact on the search results?

Seems hard to comprehend, but don’t think for a second that I would risk not having the button on my main websites in an effort to get improved rankings on Google. The risk of not getting every slight advantage offered isn’t worth it!

So how about you head on over to Sports Arbitrage Guide right now, and +1 that homepage for me 😀

PS: If you want to add the +1 button to your website now, just visit this page:


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You will probably ‘fail’ at arbitrage trading too…

Originally posted on Sports Arbitrage Guide’s Blog

Most people who start arbitrage trading, fail. They won’t last more than a few months. They can’t perform when they lose all of the soft books and so unable to keep up their profits, they give up in desperation.

This is the line which I have heard for a long time now in ArbForum, and which I even began to believe myself. There is some level of truth to it – that most people don’t get past the “OMG, Bet365 limited me and now I can’t get my 3% arbs anymore! What do I do now?” stage. It is hard to go from the cushy, easy, straight forward early phase of arb trading in to the lonely, desperate, difficult stage and survive the transition…

When you start arbing, you get hundreds of pounds in free bonuses just handed to you. Every sportsbook offers you bets of several thousand pounds on every major league you look at. 2-6% arbs are in abundance and they seem to last hours. It really is an amazing experience to cash in so easily…but then you start getting limited at these soft books. Gradually you find the arbs getting thiner, and the bonuses stop coming in. You find yourself forced to either struggle to get on the 1% arb between Pinnacle and SBOBet before the line changes in 30 seconds, or you get a 2% arb which stays for hours, but will only allow you to bet £20 on it. The change is pretty stark, and of course you feel it.

But is ceasing your trading because of this change really a failure?

I’ve been working closely with someone over these past couple of weeks and with a few hours of setup, an hour or two at most a few days a week, and less than £10,000 trading capital, I have helped this person make over £600 in the first two weeks. We have just started to see the first limits, but everything is still working fine and we haven’t even deposited in all of the bookmakers we would like to use. £600 profit in two weeks, from a very lazy few hours per week approach, from money which was just sitting in the bank earning shit interest (I think it was going to take over 15 years of bank interest to earn how much we made in two weeks of casual trading), and it ain’t over yet. This week is already sizing up pretty well – probably another few hundred pounds profit again.

If they walked away from their trading right now, would they be another arb failure? I don’t know about you, but I like the idea of failing and making £600. If only all of my ventures failed with so much clear profit!

Temporary Part Time/Full Time Position Available

So in reply to this common view, I am going to propose a new way of thinking about this reality. Part Time trading has been a concept since arbing began. Plenty of people profess to trade part time, and to be honest, I don’t know how anyone trades full time (it can be pretty mind numbing!). Well, guess what, people can also trade temporarily too!

For too long, people introduced to arbitrage trading have been confronted with the idea that you are either a career trader, or you are a failure. Now, new traders can decide for themselves whether they want to just arb for a short period and re-asses what they think of it after that period, or whether they want to commit to becoming a full time, permanent arb trader. There is no one right way. As long as you are able to make the money which justifies your time – you win.

Personally, I now identify myself as something akin to a ‘Casual Contracter‘. I’m not full time, that is for sure. I am also not permanent. I come and go as I please, and trade when I please. And I recommend this style to everyone who can afford to do it. It gives you the freedom to do other things (run your own business, keep your day job, or whatever) and not feel stressed by ‘performing’ to a high arbing standards, while still giving you the benefits that come with being able to make extra money, pretty much on demand.

Arbing is a skill you learn once, and then re-apply as often as you like. And every time I have come back to trade a bit more – I have made more money. Failure just doesn’t seem like the right word to describe my non-permanent arb trader role…

Good luck to all of you, and I hope you all fail with as much profit as possible too!


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100 Percent Winners Review

Reposted from Sports Arbitrage Guide Blog

After a little research in to the 100 percent winners setup, exactly what is going on here is pretty clear to me. The creators of this software are experienced internet marketers who have already had success with a previous program in the Forex world, and are simply building on that success and making more money by branching out in to the arbitrage trading world. Unfortunately, the people who have created the whole 100 percent winners brand, are, as I said, Marketers, not arbitrage traders.

The Marketing of 100 Percent Winners

So what we have, is one of the best marketing campaigns you will have ever seen. They have the amazing sales page which covers every base you might worry about. They have the testimonial videos, the beta testing results, the explanations, the money back guarantees etc. They even have multiple domains, each covering different aspects of the marketing launch, including where people who are worried it is a scam, might actually believe they are about to be told all about how much of a scam it is – but I can guarantee that when you subscribe to that page, you will be told a ‘frank’ version of how it is probably actually pretty good afterall, and you might even make money using it…

Meanwhile, of course, they have set up an affiliate program and I assume started recruiting professional affiliate marketers well before launch date, so that they could saturate Google with positive affiliate-biased reviews and spin of their software. When you search 100 percent winners, or any variation of that term, you only get pages made by the company, reviews about the company posted by the company or someone affiliated with them, and affiliate pages selling the article. One affiliate page made me laugh:

Hi,I am Jones James and I from Chicago.I swear to the God the following 100 Percent Winners reviews is my real experience with the product.I got really interested when I first heard of sports investing and decided to test 100PercentWinners software.I paid 100 Percent Winners 3 weeks ago. This is going to completely change my life.$3,740 in first week…$21,095 in 4 weeks…and the best part is it’s completely automated, so once you set things up it all runs on autopilot.I love 100 Percent Winners.For the first time ever i’m in control of my life now.

Who knows how long this legal loophole is going to last, but I know this:Some smart people are going to make an absolute killing with it while it lasts.

LOL. Yeah. ‘swear to god’ alright. And lie your arse off. “Completely Automated” – even the company doesn’t claim that on its sales page. “Legal Loophole” FFS. Seriously. Who makes this shit up?

Getting back to their sales pitch itself, they talk all sorts of nonsense about $320,000 profit since the middle of 2010. I call BS on that one. They then highlight some 17-40% arbs they have placed in the last 24h – 100% legit and audited, they say. Bull. Shit. says I. And then their video showing how to make $320 in 3 minutes. Aside from the fact that I have trouble believing that it is legitimate – lets assume they got lucky and found a palp on betcity (which they didn’t show the cancelled bet there btw), the technique they showed in placing the arb will cause major losses for anyone trying to learn how to arb trade. They placed the bets at Pinnacle before even looking to make sure the odds were real at BetCity!!! Absolute sure fire way to lose money. Ugh.

100 Percent Winners – The Software

OK, full disclosure here – I was going to purchase the software and see for myself, and then probably use their full refund option (which I believe will be legitimate), but after simply browsing their videos, and thanks to a screenshot posted on Arbforum by someone who has already subscribed, I don’t really think I need to see the software myself. It is obvious that the software is basically just a simple alert service, which does *essentially* the job designed to do, but without any real caution for the reality of arbitrage. ie: No filters for palps, and no real finesse to finding the real arbs.

100 percent winners software screenshotWhen I saw the price being charged for a subscription, my first thought was not of it being expensive (as no doubt some people who stumble across their page will worry about). No, my first though was “How can someone run a decent alert service for that amount?” You can’t. No development team could create and maintain decent arbitrage software and make it worth their while for such a small ongoing subscription fee. Most of the market leading alert services at the moment charge 100 percent winner’s initial fee of $150 or more, every month.

Now if we look at the screenshot provided here, you can see so many obvious palps it isn’t funny. The first ‘arb’ there, for 90%!!!!!! has Stan James and Stan James. Yeah sure. A bookmaker will absolutely accept bets that guarantee itself a loss of 190% of whatever you bet. And as for the rest of them, simple experience tells me, and any other arber looking at that image, that none of those arbs are real.

Is 100 Percent Winners A Scam?

I wouldn’t call it a scam. You’re not about to lose your life savings by buying 100% winners, but you might lose $170 if you don’t ask for a refund… and then you can only blame yourself. No, I think these guys are just clever marketers who like bending the truth ‘a little bit’…. And besides – they aren’t even really making any money off the arbitrage sales. Their profit comes from the $490 Pro Tipping service they try to flog to you after you find arbitrage isn’t making you any money. (see the 100 percent winners affiliate page to see where their profits come from, and why so many people are trying to flog this software so hard).

I don’t think 100 percent winners is really worth anything. I mean, you spend money on arbitrage software to help make finding arbs easier, or at least hand enough to you each month to pay for itself + some profit. And every alert service I have ever paid for has been able to do that. I doubt 100 Percent Winners could. Maybe it could – but between all of the errors, palps, and false positives that fill it’s display, how would you ever find a real arb?

So if you actually want to do arbitrage trading, I recommend shopping around for a better service (and trialing a few of the free options out first). Buying 100 Percent Winners to do arbitrage trading is sort of like buying a rolex in Bali for $10. It seems like a bargain at the time, but in one week time when it stops working, you realise that it wasn’t even worth the $10.

Join the Discussion

Join our discussion on 100 Percent Winners in our forum. Ask questions if you want, or just tell everyone what your experience of their service was like.


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Kalang Falls and Dalpura Canyon Updated

Been doing a bit of canyoning lately, and so I have updated the guide article entries on Dalpura Canyon and Kalang Falls. I have also added entries for Boyd River Camping Area and Kanangra Boyd National Park.

In other news, I am still a bit stuck with Immortal Outdoors. Working on it still though. I will make this site, and it will be worth the wait.

I have also been doing a lot of work on Sports Arbitrage Guide lately. I have added a forum finally, and am just letting it grow of its own accord. You can see the forum here: Sports Arbitrage Guide Forum

I am also working on the website schematic plan for the Helping People website. I was able to find someone who offered to build it with me, so we might as well throw it up and see what happens.

All in all, lots of stuff happening.

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On Track

Just a quick post to say that everything is on track and doing really well lately. I am actively working on a major development for Sports Arbitrage Guide which I really hope to have in place in the next month. Following that I will be working intently on the new embodiment of which will be huge too. So I am very busy at the moment, and hope to be making more posts in the near future as I have some actual results and announcements to make (rather than filler posts).

Watch this space! 😉


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The Truth about OzRipOff, CSI Arbitrage and Shane Greenup


As of sometime towards the end of 2011, thanks to the tireless work of Ricky and the amazing Super Investigator powers of Ken Gamble, the OzRipOff site has been taken offline. So the situation outlined in this post is no longer relevant. The scammers have been …well, kicked in the shins. Now to close the deal and put them in prison. If you go to the bottom of this post you will see a link to the ACA story on Pickering in a comment I posted. The polic have promised to invstigate since the story, but nothing more has been heard.

As usual, the scammers come in, do the damge, and then walk away (overseas) and live up the life of luxury with their millions in stolen cash. It’s a real shame.

Original Post Follows:

Googling “Shane Greenup” these days sadly places a scam website, way too high in the results. Ever since September last year I have been targetted by a couple of scammers who run Sports Arbitrage Investment and Software scams as part of their defamation campaign against all critics and competitors. As the owner of Sports Arbitrage Guide, the most trusted and relied upon information resource in the Sports Arbitrage world, I am obviously both a competitor (Compare all alert services before buying!*), and a critic (Don’t get ripped off by arbitrage scams) of these scammers. Therefore, the scammers (in this specific instance, the individuals behind CSI Arbitrage) use their fraudulent and illegal website to defame me and others.

*It is worth noting that CSI Arbitrage was in this comprehensive list up until a few weeks ago when it was proven conclusively to me that they were indeed a scam, lying about their activities, and behind – therefore responsible for the baseless assault on my integrity and reputation.

Since the original defamatory post was a made, a second post about me and Sports Arbitrage Guide has also been posted. The first article, titled simply, “Shane Greenup Wanker” was replaced on the front page of OzRipOff with the much more aggressively titled “Shane Greenup, the sexual deviate’s sportsarbitrageguide scam”.

In the first article, the author simply insults me and attempts to be intimidating. All of the comments are without doubt posted by the same person, with one exception, the first post by “honest”, which I posted in an attempt to inform ignorant readers of the article of the context in which the post was made. The DAY after making this post, my email account, paypal and moneybookers account were hacked, and a significant amount of money was stolen from me.

The second article simply attempts to undermine my integrity, honesty and reputation. It fails for several reasons, primarily missing the point of Sports Arbitrage Guide being a “Free Guide” and also missing the fact that SAG covers every single arbitrage alert service in the market – thus making it impossible for their lies to be even close to reality – there is no way that I personally own every single arbitrage alert software in the market. Not to mention, that the whole thing is a lie anyway – I don’t run any alert service, I “Affiliate” with every alert service which runs an affiliate program, and happily claim whatever small commission I can from the sales off my website, but I am otherwise not associated with these companies at all. But anyone can see that for themselves just by looking – and you can also see the numerous ones which do NOT run affiliate programs, which are also reviewed in my comprehensive* listing of alert service providers. (*Comprehesnive excluding all known SCAM products and services not yet made known to me) is Run by CSI Arbitrage

I knew CSI Arbitrage was behind this assault on my reputation, but what I did not know until recently, was that the entire website ( was operated by the same people who run CSI. The proof came when I compared the ip addresses of the emails I received from Antoinette Mead, the director of Cohen Strachan Investment, and the ip address of the emails I received from “John Taylor” of – They were identical.

Further evidence came when Richard Partington posted on OzRipOff about CSI Arbitrage (, and overnight his report of a real rip-off, was quickly turned around into defamatory attack on his character (equally backed up with the same number and style of ‘user comments’ as can be seen on my own articles – further evidence that the SAME PERSON is performing all of these posts and comments.). Anyone can test this fact out for themselves – go to right now, and post a report about CSI Arbitrage being a scam, and I guarantee it will be removed – unlike every other article about any other company, which requires you to spend $6000 to have an ‘investigator’ investigate you and clear your name…

Furthermore, only in the last week, CSI actually went and reposted the same lies about me on into their own blog ( They repeat the lie about the alert services being mine, and incorrectly assume that Richard Partington is somehow under my control or direction. I met Richard Partington for the first time when I went to his CTTT hearing against CSI Arbitrage in Gosford – he was already well under way in his legal proceedings against them, and had already spent a long time investigating them before I even met them. I went to the hearing simply out of duty to my visitors and readers – I felt obliged to find out what was going on. Sadly, I was the only other person who turned up on the day – not even Antoinette Mead (Toni Mead) showed up, but instead partook in the hearing via telephone…  The judge did incorrectly assume I was a friend of Richards at the time (since I was there, and no one else was – it is a reasonable assumption), and introduced me to Antoinette Mead as such when the call connected – but the reality was that i was just trying to find the truth – as I always have. Since then, I have found the truth – and as all of this evidence is already demonstrating, it is not in CSI’s favour. So ironically, CSI’s accusation that Richard is working under my directions has the cart before the horse.

And finally, to segue nicely into the next topic, what sort of respectable company publicly names a mere moderator of a public forum, and identifies their geographical location and real name as a way of dealing with the fall out of a disgruntled customer? is NOT my website. There are 5 moderators there, and 1 administrator – and for some reason, they single me out personally in this way and attempt to make it sound like *I* am responsible for Richard’s ‘rants’. This is NOT respectable company behaviour, under any circumstances. It also completely misses the fact that I have probably deleted more of Richards posts than anyone in an attempt to keep him under control (he’s angry – and I don’t blame him).

Cohen Strachan Investment Lies

CSI Lying Shill in ArbForum – TopOdds

TopOdds spent two years trying to infiltrate ArbForum. He cried scam at every arbitrage scam that was found – and brought plenty of new ones to everyone’s attention. He also spent a lot of time belittling the monthly subscription services (in exactly the same way that they were belittled in the OzRipOff and CSI articles), saying that they were useless and a waste of money. Lastly, he spent a lot of time talking about how “he wouldn’t sell everything he knew for anything less than $50,000!” In short, he spent his whole time on arbforum trying to sound like an experience professional arber, and tried to make $100 a month for an alert service sound too expensive, but $17,600 for some training and software cheap.

And then he posted this thread on arbforum. Sadly, my own replies there show my ignorance at the time, but that was the way it went down. It is clear now that TopOdds was indeed a Shill from the beginning. When confronted with such accusations, he rants:

im not a customer,i dont own it,i dont work for them,i didnt build the app,im not paul perry!(as far as i know hes a leading sydney racing identy/trianer – so shouldnt be hard to find!)

Sorry it that kills the dream of some here but facts are facts -end of story!

Topodds is opinionated,not a fence sitter,not policly correct,right wing but not a lier!

Yet comparing his IP used to make the posts on ArbForum, with the IP used to log in to trial the Carbon A software 2 years ago, and I found (surprise!) that Topodds was in FACT posting on arbforum from CSI’s office. (btw, note the trades on that screenshot – none of them are arbs?!??!?!)

No respectable company would spend 2 YEARS setting up such a deep shill. Systematically trying to undermine every competitor in the marketplace, legitimate or not, while lying the whole time about who he was, what his experience is, and what his intentions were.

Ironically, it was only because of TopOdds posted the review of CSI that all of this happened. I was happy to ignore CSI altogether – actively fighting scams and scammers didn’t seem worth my time, i had done my part by warning people REPEATEDLY on SAG about scams already – but then TopOdds made his post, and Richard Partington came on the scene making lots of noise – and TopOdds started to defend CSI a little bit too hard. If it wasn’t for TopOdds’ great work defending CSI, I may have never got suspicious. And if it wasn’t for CSI making this personal – by making defamatory comments about me online, and trying to harm my reputation, I don’t think i would have bothered going to all this trouble of reporting their illegal activities to the police, the ACCC, ASIC, Politicians and media outlets, not to mention this much more public posting, which ultimately will reveal their true criminal nature once and for all – hopefully stopping the need for people to bother emailing Richard or myself any more, unsure whether CSI is a scam or not…

So congratulations CSI – Antoinette Mead, Larry pickering, and Wayne Evans – you actually did this all to yourselves.

CSI Steals Their Alert Service Feed

As stated in my original article in 2007, CSI Arbitrage’s Carbon A steals it’s arbitrage alert feed from SportsPunter. I thought that SportsPunter had fixed the problem from their end, but a statutory declaration from an ex employee of CSI states that the attempt to stop CSI from stealing and reselling their feed for the biggest mark-up ever didn’t completely work, and CSI continued to use Sports Punter’s feed. I am not certain that they still use SportsPunters arb feed now, but it was clear that CSI never intended on making their own odds collection and analysis service – they just made someone else’s work look like it belonged to them.

Larry Pickering is CSI Arbitrage

You can also see in that stat dec, that Luke states that he worked for Larry Pickering. Antoinette (toni) Mead is just the fall person. She’s the one who will end up in prison when the authorities finally catch up with all of these criminals. Today Tonight have previously run a story on Larry, reporting his inability to afford maintenance on his children, but maintaining his luxury penthouses and his own helicopter. This is what life is like when you have no ‘legal’ income. The search results which tell the story of Larry’s long history with horse racing software and now arbitrage investment schemes speaks for itself.

And while continues to post articles calling me a scammer and worse, they have not once provided any form of evidence or argument in support of their claims. Meanwhile, as clearly shown in this article, I have plenty of evidence proving their lies, their corruption, and their fraud.

Take Action

If you have been ripped off by CSI Arbitrage, or any of the previous arbitrage or horse racing scams, then keep an eye out – a group of pissed off people are snowballing into a very large angry mob, who want justice. Take the time to subscribe to this thread on ArbForum, and follow all of the directions posted by Richard – he has done tremendous work finding every avenue possible to make these con men (and woman) accountable for their crimes.

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SAG – Some Lessons on Value

From my Blog in Sports Arbitrage Guide:

A brilliant new talk has just been added to TED (Technology Entertainment Design) which I want to share with everyone. I think there is something of value in this talk for everyone and anyone, but if you are in internet marketing, or have your own product which you are trying to sell, then you will definitely get added value out of the talk!

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Sports Arbitrage Guide almost complete

Wow. That is a big deal. After almost three years of working and ignoring and procrastinating on this website – it is almost finally complete. I have about 4 more pages or articles to write for it and then I will be at a point where I can’t think of anything else that needs to be added. No doubt more posts will be made to the blog as news comes up and small details change from time to time, but ultiamtely, the core content of the website will be complete.

My current plan is to complete these last few articles. I will then get Klaus to re-do the flash menu for the site to account for all of the new pages I added to it. And then finally, I will go through all of the pages one more time (for a while at least) and re-read and edit them all carefully AND add small images, cartoons and pictures to each page to help break up the wall of text that you currently encounter on each page.

With that done, it will be complete complete. Ongoing maintenance will simply consist of updating the alert services listing, the free trials and the accesories page. The occasional blog post will also be made, but from then on it will almost entirely just consist of random news announcements.

Anyway, this is pretty exciting. With a complete Sports Arbitrage Guide website I will be able to focus my efforts onto the redevlopment of TDMSKP. Klaus is dilligently working away on the database system behind the new wiki right now, and will shortly be moving on to integrate the map with the wiki. I have sorted out a colour code system for the wiki finally, but I think I will need to sort out specific details for most of the articles so that each one can be entered into the wiki with a range of important specific information. That being said, i think the most important thing I can do is ensure that it is easy for Klaus to continually update those elements in the wiki over time, so I can get user feedback to indicate what information is required for each activity, sport and location article.

OK, thats all. For parting, have a look at these articles I have recently added to SAG. More will follow shortly:
1. Bookmaker Registration and Funding for Arbitrage Trading
2. How to Place Arbitrage Bets – Step 1, Check Everything
3. How to Place Arbitrage Bets – Step 2, Place the Bets
4. How to Roll Over a Stake Returned (SR) Bonus
5. Matched Betting – How to Claim Stake Not Returned (SNR) Bonuses
6. Palps – How to Spot Obvious Errors

Bye bye.

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